
Sometimes getting there is half the fun. Traveling half way across the world is no easy feat and as long as you maintain a positive attitude and sense of humor than it can actually be quite an adventure.

I began my journey to India at nine am on Sunday, May 19th and four flights and 36 hours later, I finally arrived at my final destination, Delhi. As always, there were lots of bumps along the way, a few which began before I even left. The physical journey was long and arduous, yet the mental journey has literally just begun.

As much as I love to travel, leaving is always the hardest thing. The days before a big trip are always jam-packed with preparation as I run around in a mad dash trying to get everything done. I’m always stressed and always feel mixed emotions about leaving. A lot of excitement, anticipation tagged along with that not so pleasant anxiety I feel about leaving the kids. I know it is the mother in me. But leaving home for a long trip always unsettles my nerves. As soon as I’m on the plane, I’m fine. It is just that terrible goodbye and a little bit of worry.

Sunday morning was no different than before. After a stressful couple of days, I woke up with those usual pretravel jitters. By nine am the car was loaded with my suitcase and we were off to the airport. As we neared the terminal, my six-year-old daughter began to cry. “Mama, why do you have to go to India” she asked between sobs. My little girl always has a way of getting right inside my heart. I felt my stomach tighten. “Because I’m trying to save the world” I answered steadily. “But why do you have to do it?” she questioned. And for a moment I was speechless and stunned by her question, coming from a kindergartener. “Because someone has to do it” I responded.

Two and a half years ago a life-changing trip to Nepal and India opened my mind. I have traveled all my life but for some reason this trip in particular was like nowhere else I’d been. I had never seen poverty like I did in India and Nepal. I had just finished reading Nicholas Kristof and Sheryl WuDunn’s “Half the Sky” which educated me on so many issues about women and poverty that I never understood. The book has a strong message that anyone can do something to change the world. No matter how big or small, you can make a difference. This belief prompted me to start my blog and use my voice as a way to share my experiences around the world and educate others on what is happening sometimes behind the scenes.

Last fall I began writing as a member of the Global Team of 200, a group of mom bloggers trying to change the world by using their voice to educate others on maternal and infant health, education, children, nutrition, human trafficking, water and sanitation and other important issues that relate to poverty. The more I learned about these issues, the more passionate I’ve become about trying to help make the world a better place.

I’ve learned that you cannot travel with a blind eye. You must always have a “third-eye” so you can see everything – good and bad. So many times people choose to ignore the bad because they don’t want to see it. The world will not change and become a better place for all if we continue to ignore fixable problems. As a global citizen, it is our duty to help the millions of voiceless people who are suffering silently.

As I embarck on this journey, I intend to do whatever I can to have an open-mind and take everything in. I am sure it will be yet another life-changing, eye-opening experience. I look forward to sharing my journey with you all.


Stay tuned….
We have started a tumblr blog at to follow our trip. You can also follow us along on Twitter at hashtag #SocialGoodMomsIndia.


  1. if the partings didn’t hurt, that would mean that you’re a terrible mother! and yes, children can be so painfully honest! you’re teaching her that people she loves might leave, but they will also return. she has to learn those lessons of trust and expectations, though when your plane soared out of us airspace, your heart was probably ripped into two pieces.. or more.

    stay true to your own genius and calling, and remember that you’re a light to many.


  2. I admire your helping spirit. One day your daughter may do the same thing and completely understand. My dad traveled a lot when I was young. Oh boy did I love all the gifts he brought home from all over.

  3. Your answer to your daughter was priceless…”because someone has to do it.” Wouldn’t the world be a much more compassionate place if everyone looked at it with eyes without borders? Blessings to you, Nicole. You are an inspiration to the world. Looking forward to your next post.

  4. I love your answer to your daughter, Nicole. Looking forward to more posts from your trip. There’s so much to learn. The more we know, the more we can use our voice to help.

  5. Inspiring post…absolutely agree, we all need to truly open our eyes, and no matter how big or small the contribution, it all makes a DIFFERENCE. When your daughter is grown, she will understand.

  6. I agree with Lisa Nicole, you are a light to so many of us. Although it must be gut-wrenching to leave your children, you are creating an amazing legacy for them. 🙂

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